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Khanh An in Forssa: A Student Interview

I started this website to share my own experience in Finland and give an insight into what Finland is like behind the media. However, I realized that it would benefit my audience more if I took into account multiple perspectives. That's why I asked some of my friends about their experiences and tadaa...below is the first interview I had with the lovely Khanh An!

How has studying in Finland been compared to your previous expectations?

It has been good! To be honest, I have expected the worst so everything seems to be much better here =) I knew that the Finnish language would be challenging and Finnish friends may be distancing. It turns out that people are nice to us and I received lots of help from the teachers in terms of language.

How did you prepare for Finland?

I tried to be as independent as possible because I would have to take care of myself once I came here. I also tried to improve my soft skills, such as interpersonal (people) skills, communication skills, listening skills, and time management. And also study Finnish, of course.

What things have changed since you came here?

My mom said she can see that I have grown a lot! Now she has trust in me more than ever before. I think that’s quite an accomplishment.

What are the challenges you face while living here?

The language is challenging, I don’t understand most of the things the teacher says in class. This leads to a lot of self-studying required. I also find it hard to manage time, as I do not only need to study but also go to the supermarket, cook, do laundry, vacuum the house,...

What do you enjoy the most?

The nature! Looking at the forest near my house calms me whenever I’m stressed. I heard that the air and nature in Finland are excellent, but I didn’t know that I would be into it this much.

Do you experience any homesickness? How do you deal with it?

I often miss my mom when I face challenges or when I feel lonely. I have a good relationship with her so it’s easy to talk with her about anything at any time! 

If she is unavailable, I would talk to my friends at home or re-read their letters (which they sent me before I went here).

Why did you choose your current school?

I'm not too fond of the cold so Forssa’s climate area (vùng khí hậu) suits me the best. Its location is also an advantage when it’s in the middle of 3 big cities: Helsinki, Turku, and Tampere. The biggest reason was the principal. I came across a piece of news written by a parent, whose son is currently studying at Forssa High School, about the principal and I was deeply touched. 

Do you like your current city?

Yes. It’s peaceful yet crowded enough for me not to get lonely or disturbed. 

Do you have any regrets?

Until today, no. I just wish that I had learned how to cook some Vietnamese dishes such as Phở, Bún Bò, Bánh Xèo,... at home so I could do them here. But that’s not a big problem since I’m so lazy, I wouldn’t want to do it anyway hahaha.

Have you come across any opportunity that you couldn’t have in Vietnam?

The things taught here are different from Vietnam. I know that I will not get the chance to study democratic government or how to draw a crystal ball by charcoal properly in Vietnam. I’m very grateful to receive an education like this.

What is your plan for the next few years?

I’m not sure yet, perhaps I will just go with the flow for a while. My main goal right now is to improve my Finnish language as much as possible. 

Does the Finnish high school environment suit you more than the Vietnamese one?

I think so. I find it comfortable to be at school and to connect with the teachers. I’m able to express my personal opinion about stuff, without the fear of being judged or being wrong here.

What is unique about Finland that makes you want to introduce it to everyone else?

The peacefulness. If you enjoy being close to nature and far from a busy lifestyle, Finland is a perfect destination. Also, I like the fact that equality is well-maintained here, it doesn’t matter how much money you have or what race are you, you will be treated equally in most cases.

What do you think of the weather in Finland?

It’s freezing, extremely cold compared to Vietnam’s. My friends and I keep hoping that we will find someone who can drive us home (lol). But if you wear clothes suitable for the weather, then you will be fine.

1 Comment

Jan 11

love you and miss you, tutti

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